Tuesday, 13 March 2012

So, Update on my life

So, not much has been going on the last couple of days.
So regardless of the post a few days ago, I did end up going to the party, because I reached the conclusion that I wasn't going to let anyone ruin it, or stop me from going. And let's just say, I'm very glad I did. It was great fun, so much so that I barely, if ever, actually even noticed the people that were pissing me off last week. Everyone made a real effort, and it was fun trying to guess what everyone was dressed up as. I had fun and joined in all the silly, fun games there were going. It was after grabbing food though, and finishing a drinking game that I found myself surrounded by people rushing to throw up, whether by choice, to stop them feeling so bad later, or simply as a by-product of attempting to drink too much in a short period of time (ie. the main drinking game of the night).
Either way, tactics meant I didn't drink the full amount that a lot of the others did, and indeed, drank very little afterwards. That may have been through looking after those that were being sick and providing big jugs of water, but I rarely thought about it until people began to either drift off home, or get ready to head into town. At which point I was feeling exceptionally sober and exhausted from looking after people and had myself a double vodka and lemonade shortly before the bar closed. I had maybe two more drinks throughout the night - one in each place we were in, and even had a decent meal at the casino (which I wasn't even betting in). I ended up being one of the last ones standing, along with a couple of other guys who had been at a ball and joined us, in ball gowns and suits, in town. I wandered back with them as the sun started to come up. I got back to my flat at 6am, after an exceptionally good night.
I got up at 9am the next day... Very tired, but no hangover. Maybe due to having food and plenty of water at the casino, and again before I went to sleep. But then I have yet to have a proper hangover. Usually I just end up tired from lack of sleep, but I rarely show many other signs. Maybe I'm just lucky.

We got some sun after the clean-up the next day. I went to lie in the sun and read a book (Shopping for God - can't remember the author, but I borrowed it from the religion section in the library. I'm pretty secure in my religion, but it's very interesting, either way). I'm still as pale as ever, because, used to burning with the tiniest hint of sun, I slathered a little suncream on in the morning. I don't tan; I just like the warmth of the sun, especially when you don't expect it in March. Either way, I feel I've topped up a little oft vitamin D now, and I'm happier since. I even brought out my colourful eye make-up almost in celebration.
My dad is coming up tomorrow, and coming down to band-practice, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm also hoping that it won't be too dark for my 6pm run today. I'll look forward to it much more if there's some light in the sky, now that I'm feeling summery.
Anyway, long post over. See you again soon!

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Location:Aberdeen University Kings Campus, Aberdeen,United Kingdom

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