Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Ramblings: what would you do with £1000?

I would save it, likely. I'm that kind of person. How I manage to save, I don't know, because I'm penniless, but somehow I manage. I like saving. I dislike spending, especially overspending. I hate going out of budget, and more than anything, I hate spending the money that I have already saved. Like, I probably have enough to get the tattoo I want right now, but I won't let myself get it until I have at least twice that, so that once I pay I will still have a few hundred in my savings.
So I know I would save, but what if I had to spend it? Let's say I was content with the money in my savings and got to buy what I wanted, as long as I spent all the money - what would I buy?

Well first of all would probably be my tattoo. That would be something I've wanted for a long time, and I could tick it off my list of things to do before I turn 21.

I need a new pair of drumsticks and a new pair of trainers or running shoes, so that's another couple of hundred spent.

There's a gorgeous glass octopus hair stick on etsy that I'm really tempted by. I'd need to get a custom made though, because it's much too long for my hair. I'd no doubt buy some more forks and the like while I'm at it.

Then I'd get materials for making a dress or two. If I have money left over I might make one for a good friend too.

Well that's what I would buy. What about you?

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  1. I'm Canadian and have no idea how much L1000 is worth. If it were $1000 Canadian dollars, that would pay one month's mortgage and my home gas and electric bills, covering me for only about a third of my month's basic expenses.

    But if I had everything paid for the month, and was forced at gunpoint to spend $1000 on something non-essential and only for myself, and had to decide instantly what it would be, let's see, I'd buy a couple pairs of jeans that fit really well, a couple pairs of black cotton yoga pants with pockets (I need a pocket for my lists and/or camera lens cap!), an exquisite black cotton Lululemon blazer (I already have one I love, but a second one would be great, seeing how we're going for non-needs here) and a telephoto lens for my camera.

    Then, depending on the cost of the lens, if there was any money left over, I'd buy a beautiful sparkly belly-button ring.

    1. Im in the UK, so £1000 of my money at the current exchange rate is about $1570 (Canadian). I'm sure you could have a little left over for a sparkly belly button ring :)
