The site had just gone down, no warning, nothing, and was still down when I checked frequently throughout NaNo (well, I had loads of ideas on there that I could have used). Since the site was essentially my back-up for some of my poems, and the only home of a lot of my just-for-fun writing (like my poetry, an unfinished fantasy/sci-fi novel which I don't plan for anyone to ever read - I had only reached chapter 17 when the site went down; an idea for a plot, and various other projects I was working on with other writers on the site) a lot of my stuff seemed to just disappear off the face of the planet. I was devastated.
Anyway, the point of that backstory was, while I was surfing Grooveshark trying to find some new music to refresh my novel-writing playlist in time for NaNo, and put together a studying playlist, I randomly thought, for the first time since the crash to have a look to see what had happened to the site. What I found was surprising - not only was the webook blog back up, with new owners, admin, and an explanation for why the site had gone down (the old owners ran out of cash and pulled the plug), but the whole site was back up!
I was wary at first because the blog had mentioned signing up. But chrome automatically put in my username, so I had hope. Adding my password, I scrolled down the page to find all my projects, posts, reviews, friends and groups were ALL THERE!!!
I can't explain how happy I am to have all my old writing back.

I might start uploading last years NaNo a chapter at a time as I continue to sort out the obvious issues and fill in the gaps in the last few chapters (well, I know what happens - its note down in my storyboard, I just never actually wrote it yet. In the fast-paced way of NaNo, if I get stuck, I just skip little bits and come back later, but towards the end, I just didn't come back to fix it.) Otherwise, I'm going to get to putting a back-up of all the stuff that was previously lost into my external hard-drive and maybe a couple of pen-drives.
(wow, my old novel seems really childish, but hey, its fun-writing.

Which reminds me, I might make a page here for NaNo this year if I decide to go ahead. I figure if I put my writing up here, I have to be held responsible to actually write, and if I put it on a separate page, its out of the way and doesn't get mixed up with my other writing. Plus, it gives me a back-up without scrivener taking a hissy-fit at me for trying to save in more than one place (since, I'll probably write in scrivener and copy-paste into here, unless I feel like writing on my ipad, where things'll happen the other way around)
For now, I'm off to surf around webook and see whats been going on while I was away. Bye, guys

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