Friday, 8 February 2013

The source of the rashes on my hands

In my glass: Yop yoghurt drink
From my iPod: In Calum Fero, by Adiemus
From my bookshelf: ....stuff. And not interesting stuff either. :(
Outside: Today we had the first real warm blast of sunshine for months
My Mood: happy
Todays hairstyle: braided cinnabun with my 60th street fork (was going to do something more complicated, but ran out of time this morning)

Yay! I got my smilies working!  (just the basics really - I don't understand enough html to go messing around with blogger. I'll ave to do it the long way if I really want something that I don't know the code for) :D

Anyway, today whilst roaming around on the LHC, I went through my subscribed threads (I have it set to automatically subscribe me to threads I post in, because since the update after the great crash of November (which I apparently missed largely due to NaNo) I've not figured out how to look through my previous posts. Subscribing is the easiest way.
So I was looking at a post I had posted on about Nickel allergies and hair oils. Essentially the poster had a nickel sensitivity and was starting to have reactions to certain foods, and some of her cosmetics and her coconut oil for her hair was giving her scalp trouble.
I'm already allergic to nickel (like hives, blisters, itchy, weeping skin, odd patches of skin where I've had previous reactions - it can be nasty) and I already have a general idea of what foods and products to avoid (my fragrance allergy makes this even more difficult at times), but I haven't had a problem with my coconut oil. If I did, I would have known pretty quickly. I had also never seen coconuts on a list of nickel-rich foods, but I have heard some people out there with nickel allergies have problems with it. It could be nickel contamination from the production process, or it could be gettin picked up from the soil, or it could be a related allergy. As it is, my coconut oil is currently fine, and I'm thankful for that, but then, I'm still only on my first tub - there's time yet.
At the moment, we've been trying to think of some other, safer oils for her to try that she wouldn't react to, but that her hair would also be less likely to freak out at (at the moment, we're leaning towards emu oil or beef tallow, as nickel levels are generally much lower in aminal products than in plants).
I was going on a hunt around the interweb to find information on nickel content in various oils, and I made the rather late discovery that in 2012 the royal mint changed the metal composition of 5p and 10p coins.

I am almost sure this has been what has been irritating my hands. I use coins all the time, and I was allergic to the cupro-nickel that the old coins were made of. Now, since copper is getting so expensive, they are using steel and plating the whole coin with nickel, which I get horrible skin allergies from. The reactions had been coming and going with no rhyme or reason, and I assumed it might have been someones fragrance being sprayed in the area, but it didn't make sense because it was only on my hands and spread slightly lower arms. My face and neck were fine, which I thought to be unusual since usually all my exposed skin will react to a fragrance, and usually my neck is worst. I've been trying to find one of the new coins to test my theory with, but I'll have to find one first - I just took all my coins into the bank to get changed, and I only have a couple left, none from 2012.
I hope I'm right, because I will finally have the answer, but at the same time, I hope I'm not right, because its going to be darned impossible if I can't touch coins anymore.

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