Friday, 26 October 2012

6 days to NaNo!

In my glass: Hot chocolate (It started snowing today folks)
On my iPod: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
From my bookshelf: I'm afraid I haven't been reading much lately, unless you count my anatomy textbook
Outside: getting dark, cloudy, some remnants of snow on the ground
My mood: Just glad its Friday...
Facebook quote of the day: "Dreaming of a white....October??"

So I told you in the last post that I'm trying my hand at NaNoWriMo again this year. Hopefully this time I'll make the 50,000 mark. Realistically. its debatable, with the rehearsals for remembrance, and lectures to work around. I've signed up to the Skeleton Marathon held by the Municipal Liaison of Elsewhere, Scotland, which means I have to update my word count Every Single Day, or answer to Igor, and all the others in the Marathon. (that'll be fun trying to fit it in on remembrance day. I see a very early start happening to get some words written down. In the middle of the week-two wall, too.)
Here's an online copy of my pledge. I've already pledged towards this on the original sign-up thread. This means that I can't back out anymore... oh dear.

“I, Tigereye, am joining the Skeleton Marathon. I promise Anastasia, my family, friends, all the folks at NaNoWriMo and most of all myself that I will write something on my novel every day during the month of November. I will faithfully update my word count each day by midnight GMT. I will not make excuses, I will not give up.”

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, I can start jumping up and down in excitement, and shrinking back in horror. ONLY SIX DAYS!!! I can't believe it. I have my plot noted down in word and I'm trying to fit in the dares that my local Aberdeen NaNo group have come up with, I've downloaded the NaNo trial version of Scrivener, I have meals in the freezer and the fridge stocked up, I'm taking my multivitamins to attempt to keep the cold at bay, and I'm shoving together some blog-post drafts to get my writing up to speed (they are, however, in great need of editing, so whether you will get them or not is debatable. December is editing month. We'll see then :D )
There is no way my book will fit into 50,000 words. I may need closer to 90k for the amount of plot I have planned, but I can always finish it another time.

Time for a little sneak peek

Meet my protagonist, Aria. The story revolves around her and her friends when they find some dragon eggs. The power of the clash from the hatched dragons shifts her world into another, the land of Glaewyn. There, the story follows them as they attempt to return the exiled dragons to the kingdom.
Meet my main antagonist, Landon, or as he later turns out to be, Austria. She is in charge of the kingdom after she accidentally killed the king whilst attempting to assassinate the kings brother.
The second antagonist, which appears to be on the side of the protagonist for much of the story, turns out to be the kings brother near the end, and is using the protagonists quest with the dragons to return him to the throne.
As for the story, you'll just have to wait and see. Maybe I'll give you a snippet now and again, but who knows. I need to write it now.

Oh, and as for cover art, one of my fellow NaNo-ers down at the forums put together a cover for me (Isn't that kind?!). It looks great, I think. (I cropped my name out, that's why its slightly odd dimensions)

Have fun, everyone! Time to get back to planning...

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