Monday, 27 February 2012

21 things to do before I turn 21 - Completed list, and current progress

So back to my list of things to do, to bring it up a bit, and attempt to fill in the remaining gaps.
1) Get into 3rd year at uni (that means no failed years, or semesters)
2) Rent my first flat and get some flatmates
3) Get a decent-paying job to fit around uni, band and OTC commitments (few and far between)
4) Date a guy I like
5) Save up and get that tattoo I've been pining over for years.
6) Make a ball gown from my own design
7) Keep up with my blog here (ie. at least once a week - yell at me if I don't)
8) Learn to shoot safely and well
9) Organise a night out, instead of just going to them
10) Go abroad
11) Take part in a Great Scottish Run
12)Pass an OTC PFA, and every one thereafter (50 sit-ups (2 minutes), 22 press-ups (2 minutes),and a 2.4km run (13 min or less))
13) Learn to ski
14) Learn Reveille, first post, and last post on the bugle
15)Buy my great long-time friend (who is younger than me and has known me since she was merely a few days old - we are like sisters and grew up together) her first legal drink from me on her 18th.
16) Try to keep enough savings to tide me over a few months if I'm broke
17) do what I want and stop caring about rumours/talk from others. Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter.
18)stop eating junk. No really. Stop buying stupid, unhealthy food when you're drunk/hungover/bored/cant be bothered, because there's always a better tasting, and just generally better alternative.
19) sing in front of someone. Whether it be in a group, solo, drunk or sober, I want to get the guts up to perform with someone there.
20) play my fiddle at least once a week, every week, for at least a year.
21) have a super, dooper, birthday party that I will always remember (or not remember, as the case may be)

So progress so far: 1 is going well, as I passed my first semester with first class honours. My sewing is improving for 6. 7 you can see here for yourselves. My plane is in the process of being sorted for 10 for a trip to Switzerland with the band. Im only 40 seconds behind for the run in 12, though the push-ups are a long way off. I have just about nailed the short reveille for 14 if I could get the high note better. 17 is getting easier each day. 20 is going well so far, but I still have to keep it up.

All in all, good progress methinks.
PS, sorry if my jumping around of topics annoys anyone. This is a place to empty my thoughts into, and my head does jumble up and jump around a lot. It can be difficult to calm it down when it want to have four trains of thought going at once. It's the beauty, and annoyance, of multitasking all the time.
Have a good day, everyone. :)

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