Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Hello everyone. I'm taking a very quick break to eat and give you a little update on goings on.
 NaNo has been interesting so far. I wrote loads on the 1st, barely anything on the 2nd, the daily goal for the 3rd, again for the fourth, and less than I should have for the fifth. I'm currently peaking at 9000-odd words, and should really be reaching 10,000 today if it wasn't for my studying for tomorrow's exam.
Im currently in full revision-mode for signal transduction, so I'll try and catch up as close to 10,000 as possible in my study breaks. (talk about efficiency, right?)
At the moment in my story, Cassie has left her family behind, and has had some interesting encounters on the way. Nick (a childhood friend, and now a thief) followed her, and has just saved her from the first chasers. Now it's time for them to go North, together (for the first time since the start.)
I'm kind of worried my plot is going to run out towards the end, but the advantage of multiple points of view is that you can kill off an important character without destroying the narrative. We'll see how many people die at the end - it's difficult for me to know already without all the spontaneous plot-twists and weirdness I insert as I write. It's going to be a surprise.

For the rest of you NaNo'ers, keep writing. We will get there (or at least we'll give it a darn good go).
I'm going to walk home and do the rest of the revision there. The library is a bit of a pain at night, when the darkness seems to suck all the light out of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.